A Day in the Life...Part 19

Azalea sp. behind nature center

Wow, we went from a cool April to a May that feels more like July! The native wildflowers and shrubs continue to bloom rapidly and the insects have exploded this past week. Lake Odonata has proven its name and the air is filled with dragonflies and damselflies. On our bird hike this morning we saw a White-eyed vireo catch and devour a dragonfly. (You can check the species lists on the blog home page for lists of birds seen and flowers/shrubs/trees in bloom.) The Pink Lady's Slipper orchids are in full bloom now. There are six in one location and seven in another, both are very near the nature center. The Puttyroot orchid is near blooming. While chasing warblers this morning, we found one with flower buds right along the Casa Burro Trail. 

A dominate flower along the trails is the Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum) also known as Spotted Cranesbill (pictured above).

Below, the Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) is in full bloom as well. Their green flowers are concealed below the arching stems.

But, my most favorite thing is the spring woods is the Hoary or Mountain Azalea (Rhododendron roseum)

The sweet scent of this flower is one of the best smells you will find in nature.

Hoary Azalea Close-up

More azaleas will be blooming during the week, and the hopeful news of cooler temperatures will ensure that the flowers linger longer.

Posted by Tom